Friday, March 20, 2009

just a quick update

I've had some people share advice with me on this blog and on twitter (and I am very thankful for that) but the other day I was happy to see that two people sent me an email trying to see if they can help.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Link Exchange

I have decided to open a link exchange for this site

I have three categorizes for the links to be under

the unemployed, is the section for those of us who are out of work (or would like to work more hours)

job searching and career advice, is the section for sites that deal with job searching and career advice

and the links section which is for miscellaneous links .

to be apart of the link exchange send an email to

Monday, March 2, 2009

some updates

I started a twitter account, if you want to check it out or even follow me you can find it here

had an interview Wednesday, though I have yet to hear back from them.